The one simple rule Facebook could implement to fix their political ads.

Jeff McMorris
2 min readOct 18, 2019


So facebook is once again in hot water over its controversial stance to not fact check political ads. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that no good comes from this.

Facebook’s Ad platform is not free speech and never has been. If you don’t believe me, go try and post an ad about how your new diet craze cures diabetes. Facebook has dozens of rules about what is and isn’t allowed on their platform.

So what’s the one simple rule that could fix most of facebook’s problems. First a rule isn’t any good if it has to be applied selectively. So a rule that only affects political ads is much worse and harder to enforce than a rule that affects the entire platform.

So here’s the rule: “Any advertisement can only discuss its own product, service or person.”

That’s it. It’s simple and easy to apply to any ad on the platform. It eliminates virtually all negativity on the ad platform. This rule could be applied universally in advertising and we would lose all those negative political ads on TV and elsewhere.

I know you are saying but this doesn’t stop politicians from lying. Trump can still say I brought back a hundred million jobs, etc. Even though it’s a lie, it doesn’t have the same punch as a negative ad. It’s pretty easy to debunk, etc. It will change the tone of all ads from negative to positive. It will let us know what a politician’s actual plans are rather than who he or she hates.

(Your welcome Zuckerberg… I’ll let you know where to send the check.)



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