Why did Elon Musk temporarily suspend a bunch of “Journalists” from Twitter?

Jeff McMorris
4 min readDec 18, 2022
Photo by Chris Leipelt on Unsplash

If you have been following the news lately, you will have read that Elon Musk began banning journalists who had been critical of him. The news media loves hit pieces regardless of what the actual facts are.

So let’s find out what the real story is from the actual source. Twitter recently clarified rules around doxxing on their platform. The pertinent rules that now apply are:

Under this policy, you can’t share the following types of private information, without the permission of the person who it belongs to:

home address or physical location information, including street addresses, GPS coordinates or other identifying information related to locations that are considered private;

live location information, including information shared on Twitter directly or links to 3rd-party URL(s) of travel routes, actual physical location, or other identifying information that would reveal a person’s location, regardless if this information is publicly available;

identity documents, including government-issued IDs and social security or other national identity numbers — note: we may make limited exceptions in regions where this information is not considered to be private;

contact information, including

